Game Score in the PHF: Individual Player Reports

With the 2022-2023 PHF season kicking off last weekend, I wanted to provide more analytical content about the PHF and its games/players. The first major step in that direction are my new (and pretty!) game score-by-player reports for every team (and player).

I posted the reports from Sunday’s games to my Twitter since I didn’t finish creating them until last night (Monday evening). Going forward, these reports will be a part of my automated reports/tweeting for each game, along with shot pressure charts for each team. This is going to make them incredibly easy to access and find and I look forward to them helping discussions around each game and its players.

While the charts are just gorgeous, I happen to think they’re also very informative, but it’s important that people interpret these in context. To that end, I’ve done a quick writeup of Game Score and where it stands right now, as well as the changes that I do plan on implementing moving forward. You can find that writeup below.